Skin Care Services

Back Facial

Back facials are great for treating the hard to reach areas of the back, where many people experience clogged pores and breakouts. This treatment includes a thorough cleanse and exfoliation. It will treat any congestion to reveal brighter and smoother skin. A customized mask is applied to clarify and soften the skin, while a massage of the back, neck, and arms sends you to a place of peace and serenity.

Chemical Peels PCA Skin Corrective Treatments

Professionally applied peel solutions exfoliate dead skin cells and help healthy skin cells rise to the surface. These treatments allow deeper layers of fresh and untouched skin to be revealed. The result of monthly treatments can even skin tone, clear acne, improve the appearance of aging skin and make dull complexions glow. Peels are safe for all skin types and PCA certified professionals are trained to identify what treatment combination is safe for each person’s skin to reap the greatest benefits.


Microdermabrasion treatment utilizes a patented diamond tip wand to gently remove dead skin cells and stimulate cellular turnover resulting in a healthy glow without the use of messy crystals or harsh abrasive powders.


Dermaplaning, also known as microplaning or blading, is a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair from your face. Each session lasts roughly 20 to 30 minutes and is fit for all skin types. Dermaplaning aims to soften your skin’s surface while also helping with acne scars, fine lines and dull/dry skin. Contrary to popular belief, this treatment will not make your facial hair grow back thicker or darker!


We offer an array of different waxing services.

LED Light Stim Therapy

This treatment is natural and safe for all skin types, promoting deeper absorption of serums and creams, as well as stimulating collagen and elastin production. Patients will enjoy a more radiant, youthful glow after the service. LED Light Stim can also help to calm and heal after microdermabrasion, acne treatments, chemical peels, waxing, extractions, IPL and surgery.

Skin Care Products

At a time where there are endless choices with baseless claims, choosing which skin care products are most appropriate for you can be a daunting task. The products made available through our office have been carefully hand-selected to provide scientifically proven results – helping your skin look and feel great while providing long term benefits and reversing the signs of aging. Our products available include:

  • LATISSE® eyelash enhancer is the first and only U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved cosmetic treatment for increasing the length, thickness and darkness of eyelashes. Available only through prescription, it is applied once a day to the base of the upper eyelashes. Results may be apparent within four weeks; full results take sixteen weeks.
  • PCA SKIN products focus on targeted, medical-grade skincare for every skin concern. Whether you have dry, oily, combination or even acne-prone skin, PCA has a product to fit your needs. All PCA formulas are researched, designed and executed by their in-house PhD chemist. They address each skin condition holistically, with products combining the newest and most efficacious ingredients paired with proven, tried and true ingredients to create unparalleled, visible results.
  • Skinade is a multi-award winning, natural peach and mangosteen flavored anti-ageing collagen drink. This product contains a formulation of active ingredients that aims to boost your body’s natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Skinade differs from traditional oral supplements by increasing the absorption rate in your body. The collagen and essential ingredients in Skinade are in liquid formulation and 90% to 95% are absorbed by the body, while tablets offer an absorption rate of only 30% to 40%.
  • ISDIN continues at the forefront of skincare research, pushing the boundaries of cosmetic formulation. They work hand-in-hand with scientific communities and physicians to provide a range of advanced skin solutions suited to your skin’s every need.

  • ALASTIN Skincare® provides a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge products for optimal procedure results and daily skincare regimens. Click the link below to view and purchase products. Learn More About ALASTIN Skincare®

Intense Pulse Light Hair Removal

IPL hair removal produces light energy which is then absorbed into the dark pigment of the hair to cause damage to the follicle. Hair growth is then reduced without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Eyebrow/Eyelash Tinting

We offer a variety of shade options which provide youthful results. For best results, arrive wearing no makeup and remove contact lenses.


Clinically proven Hair Growth Nutraceuticals that multi-target root causes of thinning hair naturally through whole-body health. Click the link below to view and purchase products. Learn More About NUTRAFOL