Cosmetic Surgery of the Face, Nose and Eyelids

Facial cosmetic surgery is a great way to not only change your appearance, but also boost your self-confidence and help you look as young as you feel. Whether you want to sculpt a facial feature, smooth wrinkles and tighten loose skin or correct a problem, a wide array of procedures exist that can help you achieve the appearance you desire. Every surgery performed is based on a customized plan of treatment designed to meet all of the patient’s goals. Below are some of the most popular cosmetic procedures we perform.

Rhytidectomy (Facelift)
  • Over time, gravity and sun exposure take their toll on the face and neck.  Deep creases begin to appear from the sides of the nose and the corners of the mouth; the jawline slackens, jowls begin to appear; and the neck develops loose folds. A rhytidectomy (facelift) counteracts the signs of aging by tightening muscle, removing fat and trimming excess skin, giving your face a refreshed more youthful appearance.
  • Rhytidectomy improves the look of the lower and middle areas of the face, and the neck. There is no ideal facelift and the goal is to improve the overall facial appearance. It is most effective at correcting the following:
    • mid-face sagging
    • nasolabial folds
    • jowls
    • sagging fat
    • loose skin and fat under chin and jaw
  • Although rhytidectomy may improve signs of aging, it cannot stop the aging process. Rhytidectomy does not improve the look of the brow, eyelids and nose, and some areas of the mid face. A patient who wishes to improve these areas may need to consider combining rhytidectomy with a brow lift, or eyelid surgery. The adjunctive use of injectable soft tissue fillers, implants, and or skin resurfacing may need to be considered.
  • Droopy eyelids can contribute to the aged appearance and can impair vision. In the lower eyelids, puffiness and bags under the eyes can also make one look worn and tired.
  • Eyelid surgery, is a procedure that improves the appearance of the eyelids by tightening muscles and tissue or removing excess fat and skin. This procedure does not alter the dark circles of the skin, the fine lines or wrinkles around the eyes, nor does it change the sagging position of the eyebrow.
  • The blepharoplasty procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation as an isolated procedure or in conjunction with other procedures including brow lift or facelift. Patients may choose to have this procedure on their upper or lower eyelids, or both.
Brow Lift
  • With aging the upper third of the face develops frown lines, wrinkling across the forehead and an increased heaviness of the brow. This lead to appearing tired, angry or sad.  Correction of this is achieved through a forehead lift, which can be performed through a variety of different methods.
  • Placement of the incision varies depending on the location of the hairline and whether or not skin and tissue will be removed as well. The procedure can be performed through incisions made at the mid forehead or hairline or through smaller incisions and the use of an endoscope. Muscles contributing to frown lines are addressed and sagging eyebrows are lifted.
  • Nose surgery, can reshape, reduce or augment a person’s nose to achieve facial harmony and improve breathing through the nose. While there is no perfect nose, the end result aims to soften a distraction, bring balance with other facial features and often boost self-confidence.
  • Multiple factors may influence the outcome of the surgery – including the skin type, ethnic background, prior history of trauma, age, severity of the deformity. Incisions are made primarily inside the nose resulting in minimal to no visible scarring. Cartilage and bone are structurally sculpted while maintaining and or improving structural support to the airway. It is usually an outpatient procedure that is performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia.
Chin Augmentation

Using a chin implant the chin and jaw line can be strengthened to improve facial proportion. When combined with rhinoplasty, this is referred to as a profileplasty as each procedure is used the complement the overall facial profile and improve facial harmony. The procedure may also be considered to improve the jawline and chin-neck angle with or without cervical liposuction or facelift.


Otoplasty is a procedure to correct protruding ears. Children have frequently been victims of name calling on the playground due to this visible distraction which can lead to poor self esteem and adaptation in school. The procedure can be performed at any age and in children as young as five to six years of age. The procedure does not affect hearing. The ears can be reshaped, “pinned back”, reduced in size and or addressed to improve symmetry. This procedure can be performed in the office with a local anesthetic combined with a mild sedative or under general anesthesia in an outpatient surgical setting.

Scar Revision

Scars are by definition permanent, but certain treatments can narrow, fade and otherwise make them less noticeable, which is especially helpful when they form on conspicuous areas such as the face and hands. Although there are many surgical scar-revision methods, including surgical excision, skin grafts and flap surgery, not all are appropriate for treating all types of scars. The best procedure for scar revision varies depending on the location and severity of the scar, the age and overall health of the patient, and the extent of revision the patient wants.