A deviated septum occurs when the thin wall between your nasal passages is displaced to one side, causing one nostril to be significantly smaller than the other. While some individuals may not experience symptoms, others might find it significantly impacts their quality of life. Fortunately, Florida E.N.T. & Allergy specializes in diagnosing and treating deviated septums, helping patients find relief from their symptoms.


Exploring the Basics of a Deviated Septum


A deviated septum can affect breathing, sleep, and overall well-being. Here’s a closer look at the common symptoms associated with a deviated septum:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Facial pain
  • Snoring and sleep apnea
  • Postnasal drip
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Frequent sinus infections


The causes of a deviated septum vary, with some individuals born with the condition while others acquire it due to external factors. Congenital deviations occur during fetal development, resulting in the condition being present from birth. Alternatively, the septum can become displaced later in life through injuries, such as those sustained in accidents or while participating in contact sports, which directly impact the nose. Additionally, natural changes in the nasal structure due to aging may lead to a deviated septum.

Impact on Daily Life

A deviated septum can notably affect daily life by diminishing exercise tolerance and disrupting sleep quality. Difficulty breathing may hinder physical activities, while snoring and breathing interruptions can compromise sleep, impacting overall health. Moreover, frequent sinus infections and congestion can cause discomfort and interfere with daily tasks.

Diagnosing a Deviated Septum

If you’re experiencing symptoms of a deviated septum, seeking a professional diagnosis is essential. While self-diagnosis through visible signs and symptoms may provide an initial understanding, only a medical professional can determine the severity of your condition and recommend appropriate treatment. 

A thorough evaluation by an ENT specialist will involve examining your nasal passages, reviewing your medical history, and performing additional tests to accurately diagnose the condition.

Treatment Options

Treatment for a deviated septum depends on the severity of the condition and its impact on daily life. In mild cases, over-the-counter medications may provide temporary relief from symptoms. However, if symptoms persist or significantly affect your quality of life, surgery may be necessary to correct the displacement of the septum.

Non-surgical Treatments

For patients with mild symptoms, non-surgical treatments may be recommended. These include nasal sprays, decongestants, and antihistamines to alleviate congestion and sinus pressure. Additionally, allergy shots or immunotherapy may be prescribed for those whose deviated septum is caused or worsened by allergies. While these non-surgical treatments will help reduce symptoms, they will not correct the underlying displacement of the septum.

Surgical Treatments

For individuals significantly affected by a deviated septum, surgical options like septoplasty or rhinoplasty may offer relief. Septoplasty corrects the septum by trimming and straightening the bone and cartilage to enhance nasal airflow, typically as an outpatient procedure.

Rhinoplasty, which addresses cosmetic and structural issues, can be combined with septoplasty for those concerned with appearance and functionality. These surgeries necessitate a thorough consultation with an ENT specialist to understand the expected outcomes, recovery, and any associated risks. Recovery times vary based on the surgery’s extent and individual factors.

Schedule an Appointment with Florida E.N.T. & Allergy

At Florida E.N.T. & Allergy, we are dedicated to providing you with personalized care and treatment plans. If you are dealing with symptoms of a deviated septum, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step toward breathing easier and living better.