Research has shown that we hear much better with both ears than one. (1,2) With that in mind, AB provides solutions that are designed to get the most out of both ears. Leveraging the partnership with Phonak, AB is the only manufacturer to offer a complete range of solutions, providing everyone an opportunity to hear from both sides. Join us at a free event to learn more about two-ear hearing solutions.
(1. Mosnier I, Mathias N, Flament J, Amar D, Liagre-Callies A, Borel S, Ambert-Dahan E, Sterkers O, Bernardeschi D. (2017) Benefit of the UltraZoom beam forming technology in noise in cochlear implant users. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 274(9):3335-3342
2. Flynn MC, Schmidtke T. Benefits of bimodal stimulation for adults with a cochlear implant. International Congress Series. 2004;1273:227 -230)